El top 100 de la censura musical en el 'internet' chino

El top 100 de la censura musical en el 'internet' chino
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La orden de censura con una lista de 100 canciones que ha emitido el Ministerio de Cultura chino para todos los portales musicales argumenta que las mismas dañan la cultura china y atentan contra su seguridad ¿cultural?.

Antes del 15 de septiembre entrará en vigor la prohibición, que según las autoridades chinas está destinada a "poner orden" en el mercado de la música en internet, que debe ser expurgado de canciones que "perjudican a la seguridad de la cultura del Estado".

Lady Gaga ha sido la más castigada por "vulgar". Le han censurado seis temas: "The Edge of Glory, Hair, Marry the Night, Americano, Judas y Bloody Mary". Tampoco se salvaron artistas como Katy Perry, Beyoncé, Britney Spears y la lista sigue con Backstreet Boys, Avril Lavigne y Take That, entre otros.

En muchos casos la censura se acompaña de argumentos como las "excesivas referencias al sexo y al alcohol" pero sobre todo al "mal gusto". Las webs que permitan la reproducción de los temas musicales censurados se tendrán que enfrentar a los tribunales chinos.

A continuación el top 100 de la censura musical en China:

  1. "Americano," Lady Gaga
  2. "Anne Frank," Ivana
  3. "Aunt Beat," New Treasure Island Sport Band
  4. "Been In Love," Andy Hui
  5. "Black," Pak-ho
  6. "Bloody Mary," Lady Gaga
  7. "Broken Heart," Yida Huang
  8. "Burning Up (Madonna Cover, Nick Remix)," Britney Spears
  9. "Can Understand the Pain," Spray Brothers
  10. "Can't Keep My Hands Off You," Simple Plan
  11. "Candy," Ken Hirai
  12. "Chinese Girl," Linzi Xi
  13. "Cloudy Sunflower," Wei Li-an
  14. "Cool Kids," Natalie Walker
  15. "Dawn," Doll
  16. "Deadline," Hins Cheung
  17. "E.T. (feat. Kanye West)," Katy Perry
  18. "End," Ivana
  19. "Epiphyllum," Khalil
  20. "Face," Linzi Xi
  21. "Feat," Hins Cheung
  22. "Flashback," Yida Huang
  23. "For Love," Wei Li-an
  24. "Forget Forget," Andy Hui
  25. "Freaking Me Out," Simple Plan
  26. "Gently Dancing," New Treasure Island Sport Band
  27. "Glimmer," Yida Huang
  28. "Go! Go!" New Treasure Island Sport Band
  29. "Good Night," Yoga Lin
  30. "Good Thing," Jue Yan
  31. "Hair," Lady Gaga
  32. "Happiness Is a Small Matter," Nian Dong
  33. "Happy End," Nian Dong
  34. "He Is a Shanghai Girl," New Treasure Island Sport Band
  35. "Honey and the Bee," Owl City
  36. "How Are You," Michael Wong
  37. "How to Say I Do Not Love You," Hsiao
  38. "Human Cloning," Hsiao
  39. "I Am Silly Woman," Kary Ng
  40. "I Am Sorry," Linzi Xi
  41. "I Know You I Favorites," Doll
  42. "I Want It That Way," Backstreet Boys
  43. "I'm OK," Spray Brothers
  44. "Intro," Linzi Xi
  45. "Judas," Lady Gaga
  46. "Keep," Yida Huang
  47. "Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.)," Katy Perry
  48. "Loser of the Year," Simple Plan
  49. "Love Language of Words," Dong Qian Business
  50. "Love Love," Take That
  51. "Love Stone Eggs," Kary Ng
  52. "Love Wins Strategy," Khalil
  53. "Lyrics," Nian Dong
  54. "Marry The Night," Lady Gaga
  55. "Mars," Natalie Walker
  56. "Miss Address," Ivana
  57. "Mobei your Broken Heart," Shawn
  58. "Money Song," New Treasure Island Sport Band
  59. "My Dearest," Mei
  60. "Never Had Such a Love," Andy Hui
  61. "No Mushroom Friends," Khalil
  62. "Not the Case Is Not Alone," Jue Yan
  63. "Once Upon a Time in the Sky," Mai Kuraki
  64. "One Day," Ken Hirai
  65. "One Million Kinds of Kisses," Rachel Liang
  66. "P.S. I Love You," Hins Cheung
  67. "Plant Life," Owl City
  68. "Pretty Things," Take That
  69. "R & B," Ken Hirai
  70. "Ranging from the," Dong Qian Business
  71. "Rhapsody," Hsiao
  72. "Run the World (Girls)," Beyoncé
  73. "Selfless," Kary Ng
  74. "Sing Forever," Ken Hirai
  75. "Sister Friend," Rachel Liang
  76. "Smiley Face," Pak-ho
  77. "Some People Care About You," Doll
  78. "Sorry That I Loved You," Nian Dong
  79. "Souvenir," Yoga Lin
  80. "Taipei Rainy Sunday," Michael Wong
  81. "Thank You for Your Inspiration," Jue Yan
  82. "The Edge of Glory," Lady Gaga
  83. "The Flood," Take That
  84. "The Real World," Owl City
  85. "There Are Like Tears," Mei
  86. "This is Not Silly," Doll
  87. "Today Should Be Very Happy," Pak-ho
  88. "Treasures," Spray Brothers
  89. "Uptight," Natalie Walker
  90. "Vista," Ivana
  91. "When We Were Young," Take That
  92. "With Forest," Pak-ho
  93. "Woke Up," Yoga Lin
  94. "Yilaomailao," Doll
  95. "Yiyi," Ella Koon
  96. "You," Hsiao
  97. "You Can Only Miss," Hsiao
  98. "You Look at Me," Mei
  99. "You Say I Handsome," Shawn
  100. "You Suck At Love," Simple Plan

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